The Adsafe Responsible Officer is designated as the local Church Pastor, unless the Church has sought approval from Adsafe to appoint an elder who has the appropriate skills to the role.
Who can take the role of Adsafe Responsible Officer at the local church?
What is an Adsafe Responsible Officer expected to do?
The Adsafe Responsible Officer is a senior leadership role whose job is to be aware of all Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection (CP) matters in the organisation and ensure that all appropriate responses have be taken and risk is being managed. Delegation of CP tasks is encouraged across the organisation with the Adsafe Responsible Officer taking the coordination role.
Download a job description
Download an operational checklist
As the Adsafe Responsible Officer I am expected to coordinate with the help of the Board the organisation’s implementation of child protection policies and guidelines. Where do I find the policies and guidelines?
The Adsafe Child & Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy and the Adsafe Role Requirements Guideline are located on the Adsafe website on the policies page ( Use the Adsafe Safeguarding Framework table on this page to locate the documents.
Adsafe Child Protection Policy == CVPPP
Role Requirements Guidelines == RRG
What is Form A and what do I do with it?
Form A is the document that the local church Board completes to indicate that it has adopted/approved the Adsafe Child & Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy and the Adsafe Role Requirements Guideline. The Form is also used to notify Adsafe of the name and contact details of the Adsafe Responsible Officer and the Adsafe Compliance Assistant.
Form A can be downloaded from the Adsafe website at: It is located in the resources column adjacent to Role Requirements in the Safeguarding Framework table. Or found
Completed Forms should be returned to Adsafe at:
Do I have assistance in the role of Adsafe Responsible Officer?
Each church should appoint an Adsafe Compliance Assistant (ACA) to assist you in your role. The ACA will monitor compliance of those who need to complete Adsafe requirements. The ACA will advise you of people who have not completed requirements so that appropriate action can be taken.
With the agreement of the ACA, you may wish to share administrative tasks with them such as preparing compliance reports for the Church Board and Business Meetings, and compiling lists of local Church governance and child-related roles for the Church Board and for Adsafe.
As Adsafe develops policy other roles will be created to assist you in your role of Adsafe Responsible Officer.
Your local Conference and Adsafe are available to assist you with information and advice.
Who in the local church/company/group needs to complete their Adsafe requirements?
The following groups of people need to complete their requirements:
- Any adult aged 18 and over working/volunteering in a child-related role.
- Church Board members or leadership group members.
What are the Adsafe safeguarding requirements?
There are three (3) requirements:
- Working With Children Check (or equivalent) – your state/territory/country requirement
- Adsafe Awareness Training
- Adsafe Code of Conduct
What is a child-related role?
Child-related roles includes any person:
- Making leadership decisions in an entity that offers child services.
- With unsupervised care of children.
- With unsupervised access to children while performing regular duties.
- With access to children’s information as a regular part of their duties.
- In a role designated as child related in the organisation’s Schedule B: Schedule of Child Related Roles (Role Requirement Guidelines: Appendix B).
Why do Board members (or equivalent leadership bodies) need to complete their Adsafe requirements?
The Board (or equivalent leadership body) has the responsibility for administering sound governance at the local church level. This governance includes being knowledgeable about, and giving advice on, the protection of children and vulnerable adults at risk.
The Adsafe Policy requires that persons on the church Board (or equivalent leadership body) should meet the Adsafe requirements. The Policy is based on Christ’s commission and our church’s commitment to protect children and people at risk.
Church leaders set the tone for the culture of the church. Prevention of harm to vulnerable groups is the key to creating cultural change.
What is a Schedule B and why should I complete one?
Adsafe has designed the Schedule B to assist you to identify who in your Church needs to undertake Adsafe requirements according to what roles are held. The roles to be listed in Schedule B are found in Appendix B of the Role Requirements Guidelines.
You can use Schedule B1.1 to list the roles in your Church which are defined child-related roles according to Adsafe Policy. The role-holder’s name can then be listed adjacent to the position.
You can use Schedule B1.2 to list the additional roles that your Church Board has deemed to be roles assessed as child-related. The role-holder’s name can then be listed adjacent to the position.
Completed Schedule B documents should be submitted to the Church Board for approval. The approved documents should then be emailed to Adsafe at:
There are two template Schedule B documents available on the website. One is a Word table document and the second an Excel spreadsheet template. This are available for download at
I want people in my church to complete their requirements. Where do they go to do that?
The Awareness Training and Code of Conduct are available to complete on-line on the Adsafe e-learning portal at: If a person doesn’t already have an account, they should click on “not a member? Sign up” at the bottom of the log-in panel.
Alternatively the Awareness Training can be completed by attending one of the monthly Zoom training sessions.
To make a zoom registration booking or for more information on the training options, go to
Can I organise Adsafe to deliver face-to-face Training at my church? I have people attending who are not computer literate.
Please contact the Adsafe Safeguarding Team at: should you wish to organise Training for your church.
My Adsafe Compliance Assistant has access to the details of people in my Church who have Adsafe e-learning accounts. Can I also get access to the accounts?
A person with an e-learning account can be allocated more than one ‘manager’. Therefore, you are welcome to be one of the ’managers’ listed on each of your Church’s account holders. This will give you a ‘Team View’. Contact Adsafe if you would like this to happen.
How do I know if people in my church are compliant?
Your local church Adsafe Compliance Assistant (ACA) monitors compliance as part of their role. They will be able to provide this information to you.
If you would like to also monitor compliance with your own Team View, see the previous question about how to obtain direct access yourself.
Our compliance checking document contains instructions on using the Team View in the eLearning portal to check compliance.
How can I find out the completion details of my own Training and Code of Conduct?
Log into your e-learning account at: Click on Goal Centre (underneath the Adsafe logo at the top left-hand corner of your screen), then on the Completed button. Click on the right-facing arrow at the right-hand edge of the screen to unpack details of your completed Awareness Training. The date you completed it will be displayed.
Standing down non-compliant people will not be easy. Is there a period of grace when they can still serve but work on their compliance?
Adsafe Policy indicates that people serving in child-related roles and in Board/leadership positions should complete their Adsafe requirements before taking up their role. The local Church should have continency plans to cover periods when personnel are stood down.
How often should child safety be brought to the attention of the Church Board or Business Meeting?
Adsafe suggests that child safety be a standing agenda item at each Board and Business Meeting.
What should be included in a report to the Church Board or Business Meeting?
There is no fixed format for a report. Think about what your Board and Church members would like to know and include that in your report. This could include a reminder about the elements of Adsafe compliance, current statistics on your Church’s compliance, and updates from Adsafe.
How do I get Adsafe to screen the names of active members prior to the Nominating Committee beginning its work?
There is a practice update that discusses how to manage Nominating Committee screening available on the website here and template screening form here
The following process should be followed:
- Flag with the church that prospective appointees will be screened with Adsafe and give them an opportunity to withdraw the name before screening if desired.
- Prepare a list of active members being considered for Church roles using the template screening form. Email this list to the Adsafe: Risk Management and Investigation team at
- The Adsafe RMI team will contact you on any names that represent a heightened risk and discuss this risk.
How do I deal with someone who objects to having their name screened by Adsafe?
Privacy issues are best handled with transparency. This can be done with a bulletin announcement or a church announcement from the front. You may use words to the effect:
“The Nominating Committee process for the selection of people to serve our Church community for the new Church Year is about to begin. Part of our selection process is the screening of prospective appointees with Adsafe for the purposes of Child Protection and to identify any heightened child related risk. If you are a member and would not like your name to be screened please let me know before
For further information see Adsafe's Practice update available here.
How do I communicate to the Nominating Committee that a person should not be considered for certain roles whilst maintaining the privacy of that person?
Adsafe’s philosophy on creating a safe environment for all who attend including persons who represent heightened risk is to limit the number of people in the church community who are aware of this very sensitive information.
To this end the Chairman of the Nominating Committee (Nom Com) would have screened the names with Adsafe and presented the Nom Com with those who are eligible. Some discussion needs to occur with the Committee about how to handle Adsafe’s screening process. To either (1) accept and not consider those who represent heightened risk for certain positions or (2) Have the Adsafe RMI team present to the committee what these heightened risks are.
What do I do if I find that a person has failed a Working with Children Check (or equivalent) clearance?
The person should be stood down from their role and advice sought from Adsafe.
How do I best handle risk management related to the activities that my Church is conducting?
Adsafe has developed a Risk Mitigation guideline and checklists which cover a wide variety of activities your Church may conduct.
The guideline and checklists are available on the Policy page ( of the website under the Risk Mitigation section.
The Risk Management guideline is listed as RMG
What is the best way to handle complaints, disclosures and/or allegations of abuse and harm?
Adsafe is currently in the process of developing guidelines related to the handling of complaints, disclosures and allegations of abuse and harm. Once completed, these guidelines will be placed into the Policies section of the Adsafe website.
In the meantime contact Adsafe for advice.
Where can I find information about reporting and notifications in my jurisdiction?
Adsafe has published practice updates about reporting and notifications for various jurisdictions on the Adsafe website at: in the Safeguarding Framework table.
This includes information on:
1. Reportable Conduct (RC)
2. Mandatory Reporting
3. Failure to Report and Failure to Protect (FTP&R)
There is also a Practice update on an organisation’s legal obligations as it related to Child Protection. This can be found here