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Download a job description
Download an operational checklist
There are three (3) requirements:
Working With Children Check (or equivalent) – your state/territory/country requirement.
Adsafe Awareness Training.
Adsafe Code of Conduct.
The Team View is generated when the Adsafe Safeguarding team assigns you as ‘manager’ to the Adsafe e-learning accounts of people in your church (or relevant Conference personnel). When an e-learning account is created by a person identifying that they attend your church, this account is manually linked to you as ‘manager’. It is based on a daily user report sent to Adsafe by the external learning company that manages the e-learning portal. If a person with an existing account changes their church detail to yours, that account will also be linked manually by the Safeguarding team.
The Team View is accessed by logging into your Adsafe e-learning account and scrolling down until you see the Team View header.
The linking of your church’s learners to your Team View is a manual process done by Adsafe. It is based on a daily user report sent to Adsafe by the external learning company that manages the e-learning portal. This daily user report lists people who have created new accounts since the previous report was generated.
Each Conference has a Team View which contains a list of the Pastors in their Conference. The Pastors are linked to the Conference Team View as ‘manager’ rather than the local church Team View. Any questions about your Pastor’s compliance should be directed to your local Conference Office.
Our compliance checking
Please contact the Safeguarding Team using the email address should you wish to enquire about organising Training for your church.
The following groups of people need to complete their requirements:
Any adult aged 18 and over working/volunteering in a child-related role.
Church Board members or leadership group members.
Any other roles in your local church that have been assessed as being a child-related role by your church board.
Child-related roles includes any person:
Making leadership decisions in an entity that offers child services.
With unsupervised care of children.
With unsupervised access to children while performing regular duties.
With access to children’s information as a regular part of their duties.
In a role listed on the Church or Conference's designated child-related role schedule. (Schedule B1.2 or B2.2)
The Board or Leadership Team/Group has the responsibility for administering sound governance at the local church level. This governance includes being knowledgeable about, and giving advice on, the protection of children and people at risk.
The Adsafe Policy requires that persons on the church Board/Leadership Team should meet the Adsafe requirements. The Policy is based on Christ’s commission and our church’s commitment to protect children and people at risk.
Church leaders set the tone for the culture of the church. Prevention of harm to vulnerable groups is the key to creating cultural change.
The Awareness Training and Code of Conduct are available for completion in the Adsafe e-learning portal If a person doesn’t already have an account, they should click on “not a member? Sign up” at the bottom of the log-in panel.
Alternatively the Awareness Training can be completed by attending one of the monthly Zoom training sessions.
To make a zoom registration booking or for more information on the training options, go to
The Awareness Training is a series of modules designed to educate the learner about why children and people at risk should be protected, understanding abuse and how to respond to it, developing safe leadership in churches and safety planning. At a minimum it will take around 1.5 to 2 hours to complete, but it may take longer depending on the level of computer literacy and reading ability. The Training need not be completed all in one session. Once the Training is launched, you can “exit course” at any time, return later and take up where you left off.
Three years from the date of completion.
The Code of Conduct is a document which outlines appropriate conduct for employees and volunteers working in child-related roles or making leadership decisions on behalf of children. The aim of the Code of Conduct is to create a safe culture by outlining the expected behaviour and practices of a child and vulnerable person safe community and inviting staff and volunteers to commit to this behaviour and practice. The Code of Conduct will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
The Code of Conduct needs only to be signed once, unless a new version is released by Adsafe. There is no need to sign it every year.
Please contact the Safeguarding Team at Adsafe for advice if you wish to have names removed from your Team View.
Yes, as the Compliance Assistant you can change any of the details of a person listed in your Team View with the exception of their user name.
Click on the person’s name. Click on the ‘Go To Profile’ button at the bottom of the pop-out menu. This will load the person’s settings. Make the necessary changes then click the ‘Save Profile’ button at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
You are encouraged to keep the job positions and personal details of your learners up to date especially after the Nominating Committee report is voted through.
Yes, there is now a free-text field in the settings area of the account where a person can record these details in a format of their choice. You can add these details by using your Team View, or the account holder can add by editing their profile. Details can also be input at the time an account is created. Whilst a report on WWCC or expiry dates cannot be system-generated from this data, this enhancement means that all Adsafe compliance data can now be stored on the portal.
Recording of the WWCC details in the free-text field does not trigger a renewal reminder for the account holder of their WWCC. The account holder will still need to be reminded that their WWCC is due to renew. Some government jurisdictions will email the account holder when their WWCC is due for renewal.
The Awareness Training and Code of Conduct are activated into an account by virtue of the job positions placed into the Job Position field. Only child-related roles (eg Sabbath Schools for under 18s, Adventurers, Pathfinders, Children’s Ministries, VBS, creche), Elder and Board Member/Leadership Team will automatically activate the Awareness Training and Code of Conduct.
If your member is in a job position/s other than these, adding the position ‘Church Nominated Role’ will activate the Awareness Training and Code of Conduct.
A list of positions which automatically activate the Training and Code of Conduct is available in the eLearning Job Roles
Log into your e-learning account at the web address
Click on Goal Centre (underneath the Adsafe logo at the top left-hand corner of your screen),
then on the Completed button.
Click on the right-facing arrow at the right-hand edge of the screen to unpack details of your completed Awareness Training. The date you completed it will be displayed.
The policies page ( on our Adsafe website has these documents:
Adsafe Child Protection Policy == CVPPP
Role Requirements Guidelines == RRG
Yes, a printable version of the Code of Conduct is located on the Adsafe website's policy page: The Code of Conduct is the first CoC
Adsafe suggests that a report be given to every Board meeting, or at least regularly. This keeps the safety of our churches in the minds of Board members and leaders.
The format is not prescribed, and it will depend on feedback from your Board/leadership group on what they would like to know. You may wish to include the following: